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Customized and Comprehensive

Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a cutting-edge procedure performed in office where the patient’s own blood plasma is enriched with platelets to treat a variety of concerns including facial wrinkles and lost tone, specific surgical scars and hair loss. PRP takes less than 30 minutes. Only a small volume of blood is required. There are no foreign components, which eliminates the risk of adverse reactions. This procedure is FDA-cleared. Some celebrities like Kim Kardashian, combine PRP with other treatments like microneedling for “Vampire facials” to bring about a glow to the skin, prior to big events.
If you would like to know more about PRP, do contact us.

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: Service


What is PRP?

Plate Rich Plasma is a portion of blood which carries the most concentrated amount of platelets, a type of blood cell. The platelets contain growth factors that can trigger cell proliferation, speed healing and stimulate tissue regeneration in the treated area. PRP treatments use the body's own ability to heal itself to enhance skin rejuvenation, hair restoration and other cosmetic procedures such as improving deep acne scars and skin laxity. 

What You Need To Know About PRP:

  • PRP treatment has been used to support wound healing in trauma and joint injury. 

  • There is evidence that PRP can address male pattern baldness, stimulate the growth of hair transplants and enhance other cosmetic procedures.

  • As most cosmetic procedures, the results of PRP treatment are most noticeable after at least six months, and are not permanent; patients may require maintenance injections at least once a year.

  • Because the treatments use a patient’s own tissues, PRP injections are safe and can be administered alone or used in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures.

Information About Your PRP Treatment Session

  • Preparation

The patient should ensure that the doctor is aware of any prescriptions and over-the-counter medications the patient is using. It is especially important to follow the doctor’s instructions regarding medications that prolong bleeding, such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or blood thinners. The patient should not take aspirin unless a doctor has prescribed it, but acetaminophen is fine for a headache.

Because PRP therapy involves drawing blood, it is important for the patient to eat a meal before the procedure to avoid lightheadedness.

When PRP is used to treat hair loss, the patient should wash their hair the day of treatment, and not use any products on the hair. A clean hat should be brought to the appointment and worn after the procedure to protect the area.

  • The Procedure

The procedure involves drawing blood, separating PRP from the rest of the blood’s components and then injecting the PRP into multiple places under the skin. The platelets break down and release their growth factors, which trigger the natural processes of cell proliferation and tissue renewal.

The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes, and most people can resume their normal activities immediately afterward.

After PRP Treatment

It is recommended to avoid washing the treatment area for 48 hours. After that, it is ok to use hair and skin care products and continue with topical medications.

The treatment area may be sore for two or three days, and the patient may notice some bruising. Acetaminophen can help ease discomfort. In case of severe pain, the patient should notify the doctor’s office right away.

Hair dye or coloring treatments can resume one week after PRP treatment.

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PRP therapy is becoming a popular complement to hair transplants. PRP can help accelerate the growth of transplanted hair roots while also thickening existing hair.
Recent studies have suggested that applying PRP to the scalp can address androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). Complex baldness problems may require getting once-a-month PRP treatments for four to six months.
For all patients addressing hair loss, consistent treatment with PRP therapy yields optimal results.

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